Sundays are probably everyone's favourite day, just the thought of having a relaxing day makes everyone light up.
I myself love Sundays, a nice relaxing bubble bath lit by scented vanilla candles and just being able to relax. Most people appreciate their Sunday nights, they stay at home watching Sunday night television although being the worst night for television programmes you always seem to enjoy it, or you enjoy a good film.
This Sunday I decided instead of being boring and watching the same programmes I always did I watched a film. I watch a film called CyberBully at first I though I really wouldn't enjoy it because it didn't sound interesting to me, how wrong was I!!!
This film is probably one of the best films I have ever watched. Although being enjoyable that's not what made it so amazing, it was the factual part of it, the harsh truth about it, that's what I loved.
During the film we meet a girl, her mum is very strict doesn't let her on the internet without knowing what she's doing or who she's talking to etc. but we are introduced to the girl on her 17th birthday, her mum buys her a laptop, gives her some freedom. The girl and some mates set up a profile a bit like facebook but according to them better, her crush from school adds her and so does this stranger she's never met that goes to school with her friends cousin, she doesn't think anything of it so she adds him. Throughout the whole film the girl and her friends are harassed/bullied by a girl at school. Well the next day she sees someone posted something weird on her profile, she gets upset about it and tells her mum because she's obviously never come across things like this before. Her mum tells her to change her password etc then advises her to take her profile down, the next day her mum discovers she hasn't and takes her laptop then she finds out her brother posted the status, soon enough things escalate and now this James boy she didn't know is saying things about her which aren't true, her mum this time tells her to delete her profile but again she doesn't. Things get worse and worse and soon enough this girl is ready to commit suicide, she post a video online, her friend comes home to see it and luckily arrives in time to stop her. This girl so gets help and starts to get better and better although still being bullied throughout the duration, she finally discovers this James guy she didn't know was her bestfriend taking revenge. She eventually gets back to school and forgives her friend realising she is going through the same as what has happened to her, she confronts the girl who has been bullying her and stands up telling her she's putting people through what she's been through.
This film defiantly pulled on my heart strings and I felt tears in my eyes, after I'd watched this film I had no idea why it wasn't a box office smash.
I would really recommend everyone to watch it, it really made me think more and more about tings and it made me stronger in a sense.