Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Keeping Up

I am one of those people who cannot keep up with the fast pace of the day, I'll have about 5 things to do at once every minute of the day. I'll try and do one thing then remember I have something else to do, I'll run around, bashing and bumping into people trying to get where I'm going as quick as possible to do everything I planned too, but things never lay out how you plan them and when you're most stressed and most rushed everything goes wrong in the worst ways possible. 
Lets be honest when has any part of the day ever gone fully to plan, most often than not it's never, it's like somewhere, somehow, something has effected your day and it's going to be bad until the next, as soon as one thing in your day goes bad it's like a domino effect, one bad thing just seems to lead to another. We all run into that day where we just know it's going to go positively bad. Finally after your whole day has gone bad you just give up and sit there wasting your time when you could be doing something much more productive, I've not only felt this but done this numerous times and it just makes you feel so down.
People tell you many ways to keep up with your day, they say plan it, there's honestly no way to plan your day, your day just turns out how it turns out whether good or bad, we just have to deal with it and find some way to cope with the pressures of the day.