Friday, 31 May 2013

Summer! (or not)

Last year we were all out in the lovely sun, eating ice lollies and ice creams, getting a lovely tan or in most cases horrible sunburn. Temperatures up to 30 degrees.
This year....well I don't have to tell you now, you just have to look out the window and the gloom of the weather strikes you.

Although it seems that the weather is changing it's mind yet again and we are being told that 20 degrees is expected. Well, we'll see if that's true....

I really wish the weather would make it's mind up and be sunny for more than a week, is that too much to ask.
Today the weather has actually been very decent. But instead of being out in the sun I've stayed inside, well I don't want to risk being as red as a tomato. I sunburn very easily, which I find very, very, very annoying. It means I can't be out too long or I have to apply the whole bottle of sun cream and walk around like an iced bun. I have to wear SPF50 and even then I still get sunburnt. The worst part, well that's when the sunburn just goes. It doesn't turn into tan, it doesn't turn into anything, I just go back to the pale, white sheet of paper colour I was before.

I say the weather was lovely today but I bet tomorrow the weather will be horrible and gloomy and there will be a few showers of rain.
Hey! Maybe I should be a weather lady, well we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if I'm cut out for that.

I hope you all have had a wonderful half term/whatever you've been doing, hopefully next time it might be in better weather!

Summer Favourites

So, I'm getting a collection of clothes etc that I've been buying for summer. It seems as if the weather is perking up a bit so I thought I'd do a blog on my favourite clothes and accessories.

Firstly is a top that I've already spoken about in one of my blogs. It is a topshop cami in the colour chartreuse (which I thought would be a bright yellow colour from the picture on the website but it's more a bright lime greeny/yellow colour. Either way it is still lovely.)

I'm absolutely in love with this top! As soon as I got it I could not take it off. I love how light the material is and how soft it feels on your skin.

The only problem I had with the top is that at the time I got it I was wearing a dark coloured bra and it showed through very obviously so I had to go out ad buy another bra suitable to wear. But it wasn't a big deal and after that I just couldn't take it off.

The top is quite textured and has a crinkly effect on it which defiantly adds to the look and feel. It's not very obvious but somehow it makes the top.

The second item of clothing is a long black maxi skirt from Dorothy
Perkins with a little slit down the side.

I brought this quite a while ago and haven't really worn it because the weather hasn't been to good and I just haven't known when to wear it and what to wear it with.
It's made from a soft jersey material which feels nice on the skin and not too heavy. It's a pencil skirt fit but it's also loose (this doesn't make sense but I just can't think of how else to describe it.).

Being a short person maxi skirt's can look a bit weird on me; another reason why I haven't really worn it. But, I think this will look really nice in the summer and it will be a good change from wearing shorts all the time.

The third garment is another top. This time from Tesco.

I love this top, although I haven't worn it yet.
The reason for not wearing it is because it's extremely sheer and I just don't know what to wear under. I was thinking maybe a white cami but then I thought that might look a bit weird and then I thought well just a bra of that colour would look really good but \i just don't feel right being that exposed.

The edges of the sleeves are the most beautifully decorated. There are rows after rows of beads and it finishes the top off. I agree that the finish on the top isn't very good but from far away you wouldn't know.
I really can't wait to wear this top in the summer because the beads will shine in the sun.

Finally the last summer favourite of mine is a pair of sunglasses from primark. I hear your "ohhs" and "ahhs" about primark but this product is actually really nice for something from primark.

I choose this specific pair of sunglasses because of the little detail on them. The skull detail matches the skull detail on my bag and I thought matching is always good so I went in a brought them.

Generally sunglasses just don't suit me but these do. I don't know whether it's the shape of them or the colour. I usually go for lighter coloured sunglasses but this time I thought darker was better.

I brought all these products recently so they are all still in store, so maybe they'll be your summer favourites as well. If you want the prices of all the products just comment and I can find out if I can't remember.

I really hope you liked this blog because I haven't blogged in quite a bit so I thought this might be something everyone could read and enjoy (ok, minus boys there). Makes a change from my usual blogs anyway.

If you have any ideas on what else I could blog on just comment below (because I am stuck for ideas). I have a lot of spare time at the moment so I can do whatever, well as long as I can think about what to write, so thank you for reading and I hope to post again soon.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Review: Topshop

I haven't blogged in a while because my mind has gone blank and I've had no idea what to blog about, I've also been so busy and tired I go to do it and I just can;t be bothered...
I honestly still had no idea what to blog about today either so I thought I'd do a kind of mini review on a top I've ordered from Topshop

This top is called Petite Pasha Crop Cami in the colour Chartreuse. It wasn't my first pick of colours as there was another yellow one but trust it to not be in my size, so I ordered this one. The colours defiantly grown on me and seeing as bright colours are coming back into fashion I thought this would be good for the summer.
I had recently brought a new black maxi skirt and I've been looking for something to wear with it so when I saw this I thought it would be perfect. I only ordered it friday so obviously it hasn't come yet which is making me more nervous about trying the two together.
I'm quite in love with Topshop clothes at the moment because they're quite good quality and they also just look so good, the only thing i don't like about Topshop, and I think everyone can agree with this is that the prices of their clothes are just so expensive.
I'm really excited about getting this delivery (is that sad) just because it looks so lovely.

I think I might do another review once I've actually got the garment so I can tell you what it's like on etc and I'll post a picture wearing it.

Adios amigos.