First off guys I want to apologies about missing post #8 because of a bunch of technical difficulties it decided it wouldn't post and I've had no time to rewrite so I decided missing one post can't hurt.
Anyway this post is on music which I was so excited about because music is such a big part of everyone's lives and I just love sharing it and discovering new bands etc.
I'm going to be honest and say that my music taste isn't for everyone, however there will probably be a few of you that like it so this is for you guys!!
My young teenage self (13/14) used to listen to all the pop songs and all the alternative songs, I must admit that I feel this was my worst phase!!! My taste in music changed drastically and I got into heavy metal, rock, hardcore, pop punk, whatever you like to call it. I know some people say "What's this rubbish? I can't hear what they're even saying" however there was something about this genre of music that just made me love it, I still don't know it particular what it is but there's something there that just draws me in and makes me love what I hear. In year 9 (god knows what age I was in year 9, I can't remember yesterdays dinner) I took Music Tech as a year course and it made me respect music so much more, seeing and doing what it took to make music made me realise how hard it actually is and gave me a new found respect for any maker of music, it didn't change my taste in music whatsoever but it just made me realise artist, writers, mixers etc. deserve a lot of respect for what they do so even if I don't like a track I just like to remember how much time was spent on it and how amazing it is that they've got their music out there. I'm just blabbling now, I'll stop.
So I did want to make a playlist for you guys but I can imagine that it would be about a week long if I include my favourite artists and tracks so instead I'm just going to give you 2 music favourites.
First up are a really amazing band who followed me on twitter and who I'm so grateful for following my because I freaking LOVE their stuff!!! These guys are called Some Nerve (twitter: @SomeNervetx). From the first second I heard their music I fell in love, they're from Houston, Texas (which really sucks because I wish I could see them live) and they're a hardcore punk band. If you asked me to pick a favourite track from their album I honestly could not pick because their tracks are all so good although 'Condemnation' seems to be the one I've been liking most recently. If you want to listen to them click this link and it'll take you to their full length album and whilst you're over there buy it too because it's totally worth the money.
Second up is one of my favourite tracks in the whole entire work, firstly because the title is my name and secondly because it's the best bit of music I've ever heard. This is by Slash and called Anastasia (woo!). My friend introduced me because it had the same name as me and since I heard it the first time I can't stop listening, I will never get sick of this song. I think Slash has some pretty sweet skills and if you've never listened to him or Guns 'n' Roses what are you doing, go listen right now!!! Here's a link to 'Anastasia' on YouTube and here's two of my favourite Guns 'n' Roses songs, Welcome to the Jungle: and Sweet Child O' Mine:
Here's a list of some other pretty rad bands:
Suicide Silence
Rotting Out
Neck Deep
Bring Me The Horizon
Fall Out Boy
You Me At Six
A Day To Remember
All Time Low
Blink 182
Cancer Bats
Of Mice & Men
While She Sleeps
There's many more but that should keep you searching for a while.
Really hope you guys all find something you like in this list. Again sorry for post #8, I really hate technology sometimes.
Also as I said in my previous post I will be setting up an art shop hopefully sometime next week after all my stressful exams are done! Once I've sorted that all out I'll inform you guys about where you can buy some of my stuff, first off the pieces will all be originals as I need to make a little bit of money to be able to get prints done. I also need a shop name so if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. To keep even more up to date follow my instagram @ana_sadler where you can also see my work and piece I'm currently working on.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
#7 My Week In Photos - #2014BloggerChallenge
Hey guys. So this one is plain and simple and because of that I managed to get this out on time!!
Anyway as the title suggest this is a my week in photos post and if I wasn't so rubbish with technology all the photos would be on here however I posted them all to my instagram because I thought I could find a way to transfer them but I was wrong.
So basically guys ... If you would like to see my week in photos head over to my instagram - - there's food and I went on a inspirational quote rampage!! Admittedly they're all a bit rubbish and are either quotes of photos of my legs, haha.
Anyway please enjoy even though it is a bit of a rubbish post. I hope you're all having a good week and will all have a wonderful Easter.
Anyway as the title suggest this is a my week in photos post and if I wasn't so rubbish with technology all the photos would be on here however I posted them all to my instagram because I thought I could find a way to transfer them but I was wrong.
So basically guys ... If you would like to see my week in photos head over to my instagram - - there's food and I went on a inspirational quote rampage!! Admittedly they're all a bit rubbish and are either quotes of photos of my legs, haha.
Anyway please enjoy even though it is a bit of a rubbish post. I hope you're all having a good week and will all have a wonderful Easter.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
#6 Food - #2014BloggerChallenge
This is 100% out of my comfort zone. I had no idea what I could write for a food post, if I'm honest I still don't. I thought about the whole recipe blog type thing but then I had no idea what to make so that was just a little dilemma. So my second thought was 'Lets do something healthy!' I mean you can't go wrong there can you. This is also a great starting point because Summers coming up and we all want to wear anything we can as well as feeling good and healthy eating is a great way to achieve this. However not only did I want to do something for a great body I also wanted to foods that make you feel better and make you a healthier person. I'm not great at doing healthy myself but I'm making a drastic change in my diet and thought this was the perfect opportunity to tell you what I've swapped over.
p.s Never realised how similar all my intros were!!! And a little warning this post also contains a lot of 'however's'.
First up is drinks. Ok, so maybe not technically a food but this is just as important as having a healthy balanced meal.
The first healthy drink I will reach for is something herbal or fruity, these are often caffeine free so are perfect to start your day off with (I'll let you off if you're super tired and need a coffee to wake you up.). I also love a good cup of cold orange juice.
I usually grab a green tea because they taste so damn good and are work wonders on you. I also go for green tea because when I go to make a drink it's next to my usual go to normal tea with sugar and milk which honestly I could swap in for something as I drink WAY TOO MUCH and it's not good for me.
This is from Morrisons and is very, very nice. Tastes exactly like any other green tea and I'm pretty sure it's a much more reasonable price compared to others.
Not only does it taste great but green tea works wonders if you bloat.
This is what it looks like if you've never had/seen it before. I'm in agreement that it looks like pee in a mug and I must admit it could smell better, however the taste and the wonders it does for your body make you forget about that.
You don't have to choose green tea, there are lots of other healthy drinks similar out there and if you have a bit of a sweet tooth then I'd go for something fruity like I pictured but this won't be as healthy.
Onto actual foods now. As I said I am not great with sticking to a healthy diet because all that junk food is just so damn addictive. Despite this I wanted to tell you a few of my favourite healthy foods.
In terms of snacks I have nothing specific but things like nuts, fruits, nakd bars etc are the best and if you're up for paying for one a Graze Box is a great way to make sure you're eating healthy, I'm usually naughty when it comes to snacks and I'll have crisps or even worse chocolate *slaps self on wrist*
First up for the healthy food team is salads. I can't even tell you how much I love salads and how good they make me and my body feel! Unfortunately I don't have any wonderful pictures to show you but I'm going to list some of the best things to have in a salad.
Taken from Google. |
It's quite obvious that lettuce is a great component to a salad, however not all your salads have to include it and sometimes it's good to leave it out and vary your salad up. A lovely, little (big), chopped up tomato is a great addition to a salad, I'm not keen on tomato's but I feel that in a salad they taste great and they add that amazing bright colour to food which is always a plus. Sometimes I'll slip a little cheese into my salad, this is usually Mozeralla or even on special occasions Red Leicester. My top food to include in a salad is olives. Green. black, whatever. I love them, they're definitely a love-hate food and so may not be to everyone's taste. I'm keeping this on short and sweet, spring onions always go down well in a salad. Another all time salad favourite is spinach, maybe this is because I want to be Popeye or maybe because I just love it, whatever my reason I also need a little bit of spinach in my salad. I could go on and on but this post is getting long enough as it is so I'll move on.
I also wanted to add that pasta is the perfect accompaniment to a salad if you're looking for something more fulling and a good dinner time meal. I usually enjoy a good pasta salad because it is a perfect mixture of different food and has so much taste to it - pasta salads are usually best with spring onions so next time you make one don't forget them.
Now onto fruits.
Taken from Google. |
I'm very picky when it comes to fruits and I have a very specific taste, there's not may that I enjoy but I try my best to eat as much as I can. I often stick to apples as the main fruit I add because firstly they're not messy unlike a lot of fruits and secondly they're delicious. Apples also help to reduce bloating so are a good fruit to eat generally. Kiwis next. I really love kiwis, I think this is manly because of the colour of them, I don't have any interesting facts on these but they're another great healthy food. I'm putting lemons and limes together because they're not something I eat straight up but they're two great things to drizzle over a salad, although I wouldn't have too much of these as they're acidic and aren't the best for a healthy diet. Now for my favourite ever fruit .... STRAWBERRIES. You can't go wrong with strawberries, they're great on their own, or with a yogurt or even crushed and smashed into a delicious smoothie. Finally - well not the last thing of all but there's too much to keep on going on with - watermelon. This isn't something that I leap for at first but during the summertime it's always something good to eat and it seems tastier in the sun? This is the perfect food to snack on during a sunny day as not only does it fill you up but it hydrates you.
I could go on and on but I feel this post is getting way to long and contains barely any photos so is probably boring you.
I really hope you found this post useful and maybe inspired you to change what you're eating or add some of these things in your diet. I would just like to make it clear however that a healthy diet will only do so much so don't think of it as an alternative to exercising.
Phew so that's over and I've managed to get this post out on time for a change! I did actually really enjoy doing this and it made a change from my usual post, I would actually love to do more stuff like this in the future ... That's if I have any left to write about now I've done this.
Where else to find me:
Twitter: @anasaurusrex
Instagram: @ana_sadler
Friday, 7 March 2014
#5 Nails - #2014BloggerChallenge
I am late again, grrrr!!! However it is a more respectable two rather than about seven days late.
So as you may be aware from this title this post is about nails. Now, although I do own copious amounts of nail polish I rarely ever paint my nails and being totally honest I do not do anything nail care wise. However for a change I did actually have something decent to write for this post - finally I hear you cry!
Spring is nearing and we need to make the transition into the Spring colours - in my case this is still wearing black just more suited to Spring. I'm certain most girls like to paint their nails and make them look pretty so I looked through my stash of nail polishes and found 6 perfect colours which you could wear during Spring.
So as you may be aware from this title this post is about nails. Now, although I do own copious amounts of nail polish I rarely ever paint my nails and being totally honest I do not do anything nail care wise. However for a change I did actually have something decent to write for this post - finally I hear you cry!
Spring is nearing and we need to make the transition into the Spring colours - in my case this is still wearing black just more suited to Spring. I'm certain most girls like to paint their nails and make them look pretty so I looked through my stash of nail polishes and found 6 perfect colours which you could wear during Spring.
These are my perfect Spring colours. As you can see they're either quite bright or very nice pastel colours which is going to be the style for this Spring.
Going from left to right we have Sinful Colors nail varnish in the colour Unicorn (BEST NAME EVER). This is the only yellow nail polish I own and it's safe to say I love it. At first I was a bit worried about trying to rock yellow nails because I thought that it would wash me out but I was wrong. Unlike other yellow coloured nail polishes this one is not bright or florescent, it is quite toned down so it won't overwhelm you. This has a little bit of shimmer in it which can be seen in certain light.
Next is a nail polish from Barry M in the colour Mint Green. There's not much to say about this as it is literally just a mint green colour. It stays on for a decent amount of time as all Barry M nail polish do. This colour would suit either tanned or pale people, I love the colour when I wear it because I'm so pale it stands out more.
The next Barry M nail polish I think would be perfect for Spring is in the colour Blue Moon. It is a true baby blue colour. This colour is probably more suited to people with a tan because it can make you look paler however I am possibly the palest person ever and I still wear it without looking too deathly.
This next nail varnish is by Maybelline and is the first nail varnish I brought from their Color Show nail polishes, this is in the colour Coral Craze. It really does come out as bright as it is in the pot. I really love this as an alternative to the toned down colours of Spring that are usually worn. This polish stays on for a reasonable amount of time and doesn't chip. A great toned down alternative to this is the last Barry M polish I will talk about.
Yet another Barry M nail polish, this time in the colour Berry Ice Cream. I had been searching for a perfect lilac colour for ages and when I found this one I fell in love. It is a lovely pastel lilac colour and is neither too bright nor too toned down. Again like all Barry M nail polishes this stays on for a generous amount of time.
Last but not least and another Barry M nail polish. This is in the colour Peach Melba. Like I said earlier this is the perfect toned down alternative of the Maybelline polish in Coral Craze. This has a little bit more of a pink undertone compared to the Maybelling polish however it is barely noticeable. I don't have much else to say other than it's really lovely.
TAH DAH! That is it for my nail polish blog. I wish it was more interesting like a nail tutorial or something but I cannot paint nails whatsoever. Despite this I hope that it gave you some idea's about what colours you can wear during Spring and what nail polishes you should go out and buy to look like you and Spring were a match made in heaven. Most of this nail polishes average at around £4 and there is currently 3 for 2 in Boots so if you hurry down now it'll be even cheaper.
Thanks for reading the late post again. I will try my hardest to get the next post up on time ... No I will not try I shall succeed.
Where else to find me:
Twitter: @anasaurusrex
Instagram: @ana_sadler
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
#4 High End vs High Street - #2014BloggerChallenge
I've been thinking and thinking about what I could do for this post eventually meaning I missed the set deadline, however I can't miss a post in the challenge without it getting on my nerves so this is probably very improvised but I am writing it and that's what counts. I'm really sorry!
Originally I was thinking of doing a post of High End makeup vs High Street makeup, however the only high end makeup I own is MAC and after recently finding out that they now test on animals I didn't think it right.
I then thought some more and thought of doing a post on clothes, but I do not own any high end clothes apart from one or two Topshop pieces, and I don't count this brand really as high end so I was once again stuck!
Eventually I went back and looked at the email and it said 'wishlist' so it lead me to write a wishlist post.
Before I start I want to say these are all really random because there's nothing in particular I want (apart from the straighteners which will come up first!!)
I really want these bad boy straighteners! As some of you may know (most of you probably don't) I have the curliest hair known to man and it is a pain to straighten, but the other day after repeatedly saying she wanted to get my hair completely straight my friend straightened it using these straighteners. It's safe to say these are miracle workers and I was proved very wrong after these were used on my hair. It surprised me and I knew then I needed to get them (fingers crossed soon) as my old straighteners are broken, sigh.
These are the Ozon Titanium Flat Iron. These are retailed around the £40 mark I believe.
Next up is that top that featured in my Christmas wishlist. I won't talk about this in depth again however it's just so beautiful I had to include it again and advise you that if you have the money for this beautiful top go and buy it!!!! (Maybe buy me one whilst you're at it?? No? Oh ok.)
Last but not least and the most important of all ... I would like a dinosaur! So yeah, if anyone happens to come across one for a bargain price let me know.
Once again I'm really sorry this is nearly a week late but I did struggle a lot!!- better late than never. I hope you enjoyed it anyway and I would love to know your favourite high street or high end products.
Originally I was thinking of doing a post of High End makeup vs High Street makeup, however the only high end makeup I own is MAC and after recently finding out that they now test on animals I didn't think it right.
I then thought some more and thought of doing a post on clothes, but I do not own any high end clothes apart from one or two Topshop pieces, and I don't count this brand really as high end so I was once again stuck!
Eventually I went back and looked at the email and it said 'wishlist' so it lead me to write a wishlist post.
Before I start I want to say these are all really random because there's nothing in particular I want (apart from the straighteners which will come up first!!)
These are the Ozon Titanium Flat Iron. These are retailed around the £40 mark I believe.

Last but not least and the most important of all ... I would like a dinosaur! So yeah, if anyone happens to come across one for a bargain price let me know.
Once again I'm really sorry this is nearly a week late but I did struggle a lot!!- better late than never. I hope you enjoyed it anyway and I would love to know your favourite high street or high end products.
Where else to find me:
Twitter: @anasaurusrex (changed it again as I was bored, sorry for any confusion)
Instagram: @ana_sadler
Saturday, 1 February 2014
#3 Once Upon A Time - #2014bloggerchallenge
I have been slacking with blogging lately so I was glad as we neared the dates for this post to come up! I promise I will be blogging something other than a post from this challenge soon, I have a January Favourites post coming up which should be up in the next few days, so look out for that as I haven't done one since August and I have quite a few favourites for you.
Anyway on with this post. We were asked to do a book review type post and there were a few books I had to choose from but I thought they were all quite generic and most bloggers will write about them; not that this book is any less generic! Or that they were all boring.
My first choice was Looking for Alaska but I read that ages ago and didn't really know what to write for it so then I thought because my blogs quite beauty and fashioney (is that a word? Well it is now.) I should go for a blog along those lines, so I chose Alexa Chung's, It book. I know pretty much every blogger has blogged about this book but I got it for Christmas and never got round to sharing my opinions so I thought this was also a great opportunity.
I don't know what type of book I can call this because it's half a biography as well as just as a general fashion book. Anyway, I really loved it because of how it's layed out. It's not just continuous writing it is split up between pictures and drawings Chung has done herself.
This book is perfect for any teenage girl or anyone really because it gives you style inspiration and it has a few how to's etc.
I really love this book and could read it 5 times in one day, although I really wish there was just a little bit more to it, more pictures, more drawings and more writing and I would love it even more than I already do. I especially like the 'How to survive a festival' part.
I can't wait to see if Chung has anything else lined up for us because I would really love to see more from her.
I already have a few other fashion book purchases lined up after seeing the heaps of Vogue Fashion Designers books in Waterstones. I'm really hoping they still have these because they looked brilliant when I flicked through them in the shop. If not I'm going on the hunt for something similar.
I really hoped you liked this post. I'm sorry it's so short but I didn't really know what else to write about the book without either quoting the best parts which I want you to read for yourself or just repeating myself a million times.
Hopefully I will get my January Favourites post up soon because it has been so long but in the meanwhile you have this little post to keep you all happy. I am going to try and get back on the blogging bandwagon because I have been so terrible since this year started so keep checking back for more posts of subscribe to my posts down the left hand side of my page!
Anyway on with this post. We were asked to do a book review type post and there were a few books I had to choose from but I thought they were all quite generic and most bloggers will write about them; not that this book is any less generic! Or that they were all boring.
My first choice was Looking for Alaska but I read that ages ago and didn't really know what to write for it so then I thought because my blogs quite beauty and fashioney (is that a word? Well it is now.) I should go for a blog along those lines, so I chose Alexa Chung's, It book. I know pretty much every blogger has blogged about this book but I got it for Christmas and never got round to sharing my opinions so I thought this was also a great opportunity.
Alexa Chung: IT.
I already have a few other fashion book purchases lined up after seeing the heaps of Vogue Fashion Designers books in Waterstones. I'm really hoping they still have these because they looked brilliant when I flicked through them in the shop. If not I'm going on the hunt for something similar.
I really hoped you liked this post. I'm sorry it's so short but I didn't really know what else to write about the book without either quoting the best parts which I want you to read for yourself or just repeating myself a million times.
Hopefully I will get my January Favourites post up soon because it has been so long but in the meanwhile you have this little post to keep you all happy. I am going to try and get back on the blogging bandwagon because I have been so terrible since this year started so keep checking back for more posts of subscribe to my posts down the left hand side of my page!
Where else to find me:
Instagram - @ana_sadler
Twitter - @anasaurusrex
Thursday, 16 January 2014
#2 Skincare - #2014bloggerchallenge
I've wanted to do this post for such a long time so I was extremely happy that this came up as one of the topics! Anyway, I won't bore you with the usual long into, so keep reading to find out my skincare routine.
((I'm really sorry but I cannot remember the price of any of these products because I've had them for so long, again I'm very sorry.))
Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion.
I am not exaggerating when I say this is one of the best moisturisers on the planet!
I can't thank my mums friend enough for recommending this product to me because it has done me the world of wonders. I don't even know where to start if I'm honest.
I've had problems with dryness and eczema which I won't go into as that would need a whole new blog post. After trying out many products my mums friend suggested this product and it's genuinely changed my life. Even just at the third day of using it I noticed my dry spots and eczema were clearing up and after a week it had almost gone. It was amazing and I wanted to scream from the roof tops. I highly recommend this product if you as well suffer from dry spots and eczema, I cannot praise this product more! Although I do not know the price I do know that this brand is sold in boots and there are many different varieties of mouisturiser types.
Simple Kind to Eyes Soothing Eye Balm.
I'm going to be honest with you here and say that this eye balm I personally feel doesn't reduce puffiness but it is a great moisturiser. As I previously said I've had a few skin problems and as well as suffering with dryness around my eyes I've had puffiness/swelling (which the doctor think is allergies). After seeing this product on a shelf and seeing what it does I thought I'd give it a go; if you don't try you never know if it works. I tried this for a month or so and noticed no difference with puffiness but there was an improvement with dryness. This product although not meant for moisturising is a great moisturiser! Again, I would highly recommend this product if you suffer with dryness but maybe not with puffiness. But if you want to give it a try and see if it works for you then you should go for it. Different things always work on different people.
MAC Strobe Cream.
As you can probably see from the photos this is not the full size product it is a sample, but fear not, they do do a full sized product at MAC's ridiculous prices. Anyway, I haven't used this product a lot as I only just got it with everything else I got at Christmas but obviously since I got it I thought I may as well use it even though I don't really need it. As I haven't been using it for long I don't feel I can comment on the effects of it/how good it is but it feels nice and isn't a heavy cream, so far so good.
Vaseline Lip Therapy.
Obviously this product is a must in any girls handbag. I use this product for two different things, firstly I use it for the lips as that is it's main purpose and It's brilliant, it is - along with my Burt's Bee's Lip Balm - an essential for winter, if you get chapped lips (LIKE EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING OUT THERE) then you need this, just use your fingers to apply a sheet over your lips and your chapped lips will be gone in a matter of minutes. Now, onto the other thing I use this product for. As you may know Vaseline moisturiser comes in quite a big tube and seeing as I have an amazing moisturiser already it seems unnecessary to buy another one, because of this reason I use this on my dry patches. It only takes a small amount as the product is quite greasy so it works a treat!
Burt's Bee's Tinted Lip Balm in Hibiscus.
As we all know from my blog post on this, I love this product! I don't really need to write a lot about this product as I've already done a whole blog post on it right here so if you read that you'll get the low down. But just a quick overview for you people who are lazy like me, this is a very moisturising lip balm which cures chapped lips for the whole day, it only needs one application in the morning and will last you practically the whole day. Not only is it a fabulous moisturiser lip balm but it is tinted which means it gives you a pop of colour which is neither too sheer nor too pigmented. All in all this is one of the best lip balms out there and I can't wait to try more of the Burt's Bee's products.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Favourite Find
I thought I'd do a quick little Favorite Find post as I don't want all my posts to be #2014bloggerchallenge posts and I really enjoy doing these as I get to look through shops and find some little gems. I also like to do these because sometimes shops that aren't well known will pop up one day and I have to share it with you guys because they're so wonderful.
This is a bit random and out of the blue so don't expect some amazing show but do expect an amazing guest!
Anyway, I'm waffling again.
So actually like another of my Favourite Find posts these guys kind of found me. Like the other guys they followed me on instagram and obviously I checked them out and once again loved their stuff (will it ever stop, I love it guys but no money!!).
I loved their pieces because they were so unique and I hadn't discovered similar things, although since seeing their stuff I have seen a few different pieces similar; but not identical, around, but it's clearly the latest craze and I'm liking it. Not only that but they are so cheap for what you're getting, I know I always say that but I mean it this time.
Unfortunately I can't pronounce the name of this shop whatsoever but that's fine, this isn't youtube and luckily I can type it.
DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! The name of this fabulous shop is: Moncou.
(click this link and head over after you've read this post)
There are a few more different chokers but I had to show you my favourite three and I'm sure you'll agree they're amazing!
There is also an option for what colour choker you would like; either chrome or noir, both of which look amazing.
I hope every single one of my followers heads over too their websites and buys something from there... That is an order actually! Go Now!!!!
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
#1 New Years Inspiration - #2014bloggerchallenge
Here it is! The first post of the 2014 Blogger Challenge and of many to come. If you have no clue what I'm on about check out my post on the challenge by clicking here and that will fill you in with all you need to know.
For this first post we have been asked to attach a picture or quote and rather than doing New Years Resolutions talk about how the picture is going to inspire you for that year.
I'm going to be honest and say I really don't like these sort of New Years posts, actually I hate them. Now I won't delve into why but if you're like me I guess you will understand and completely not read this post. But - and there is a lot of emphasis on but - this is for a challenge and if this is what I've got to do, I've got to do it. Plus just because I don't like this sort of thing won't mean you guys despise it too!

I reckon a lot of you will know where the quote "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" comes from.
The amazing Dr Seuss! And how true that is.
For the past year I haven't really known who or I or who I want to be. I also think that nowadays it's difficult for people to be who they want to be unless they have a tonne of confidence; which unfortunately I don't have. But some how I managed to break past a weird barrier that has been holding me back from being who I've wanted to be for a long time and now, I couldn't be happier than ever.
Honestly, the world is a very judgmental place and you will be judged by one person or more each day and nothing can change that. This is what worries people, this is what makes them hide behind a wall of a false personality, in a way a false life. Stuff like this you've just got to grab from your head, chuck it out and carry on being you!
Society tells us that being different is wrong and that everyone should be a perfect human being.
Why should society manipulate you like this?
No, really... why?
Who wants to be perfect? Perfect is boring.
Who wants to be the same as everyone else? It's boring.
Like people say "If everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place."
Because you know what, being blonde, with a skinny waist, big boobs, a big bum and being mildly intelligent isn't appealing.
Here are a few other quotes that if you're worried about individuality (aka being weird; and I mean the good weird) you should go by.
I'm going to be honest and say I really don't like these sort of New Years posts, actually I hate them. Now I won't delve into why but if you're like me I guess you will understand and completely not read this post. But - and there is a lot of emphasis on but - this is for a challenge and if this is what I've got to do, I've got to do it. Plus just because I don't like this sort of thing won't mean you guys despise it too!
I reckon a lot of you will know where the quote "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" comes from.
The amazing Dr Seuss! And how true that is.
For the past year I haven't really known who or I or who I want to be. I also think that nowadays it's difficult for people to be who they want to be unless they have a tonne of confidence; which unfortunately I don't have. But some how I managed to break past a weird barrier that has been holding me back from being who I've wanted to be for a long time and now, I couldn't be happier than ever.
Honestly, the world is a very judgmental place and you will be judged by one person or more each day and nothing can change that. This is what worries people, this is what makes them hide behind a wall of a false personality, in a way a false life. Stuff like this you've just got to grab from your head, chuck it out and carry on being you!
Society tells us that being different is wrong and that everyone should be a perfect human being.
Why should society manipulate you like this?
No, really... why?
Who wants to be perfect? Perfect is boring.
Who wants to be the same as everyone else? It's boring.
Like people say "If everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place."
Because you know what, being blonde, with a skinny waist, big boobs, a big bum and being mildly intelligent isn't appealing.
Here are a few other quotes that if you're worried about individuality (aka being weird; and I mean the good weird) you should go by.
Here's a picture of me being weird.
Now.... Go, be weird my lovelies!!!!!
Where else to find me being weird:
Twitter- @anasaurusrex
Instagram- @ana_sadler
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