So as you may be aware from this title this post is about nails. Now, although I do own copious amounts of nail polish I rarely ever paint my nails and being totally honest I do not do anything nail care wise. However for a change I did actually have something decent to write for this post - finally I hear you cry!
Spring is nearing and we need to make the transition into the Spring colours - in my case this is still wearing black just more suited to Spring. I'm certain most girls like to paint their nails and make them look pretty so I looked through my stash of nail polishes and found 6 perfect colours which you could wear during Spring.
These are my perfect Spring colours. As you can see they're either quite bright or very nice pastel colours which is going to be the style for this Spring.
Going from left to right we have Sinful Colors nail varnish in the colour Unicorn (BEST NAME EVER). This is the only yellow nail polish I own and it's safe to say I love it. At first I was a bit worried about trying to rock yellow nails because I thought that it would wash me out but I was wrong. Unlike other yellow coloured nail polishes this one is not bright or florescent, it is quite toned down so it won't overwhelm you. This has a little bit of shimmer in it which can be seen in certain light.
Next is a nail polish from Barry M in the colour Mint Green. There's not much to say about this as it is literally just a mint green colour. It stays on for a decent amount of time as all Barry M nail polish do. This colour would suit either tanned or pale people, I love the colour when I wear it because I'm so pale it stands out more.
The next Barry M nail polish I think would be perfect for Spring is in the colour Blue Moon. It is a true baby blue colour. This colour is probably more suited to people with a tan because it can make you look paler however I am possibly the palest person ever and I still wear it without looking too deathly.
This next nail varnish is by Maybelline and is the first nail varnish I brought from their Color Show nail polishes, this is in the colour Coral Craze. It really does come out as bright as it is in the pot. I really love this as an alternative to the toned down colours of Spring that are usually worn. This polish stays on for a reasonable amount of time and doesn't chip. A great toned down alternative to this is the last Barry M polish I will talk about.
Yet another Barry M nail polish, this time in the colour Berry Ice Cream. I had been searching for a perfect lilac colour for ages and when I found this one I fell in love. It is a lovely pastel lilac colour and is neither too bright nor too toned down. Again like all Barry M nail polishes this stays on for a generous amount of time.
Last but not least and another Barry M nail polish. This is in the colour Peach Melba. Like I said earlier this is the perfect toned down alternative of the Maybelline polish in Coral Craze. This has a little bit more of a pink undertone compared to the Maybelling polish however it is barely noticeable. I don't have much else to say other than it's really lovely.
TAH DAH! That is it for my nail polish blog. I wish it was more interesting like a nail tutorial or something but I cannot paint nails whatsoever. Despite this I hope that it gave you some idea's about what colours you can wear during Spring and what nail polishes you should go out and buy to look like you and Spring were a match made in heaven. Most of this nail polishes average at around £4 and there is currently 3 for 2 in Boots so if you hurry down now it'll be even cheaper.
Thanks for reading the late post again. I will try my hardest to get the next post up on time ... No I will not try I shall succeed.
Where else to find me:
Twitter: @anasaurusrex
Instagram: @ana_sadler
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