Tuesday, 31 December 2013

25 Facts About Me!

50 Facts were too hard so I settled for 25. 
p.s There's a few sneaky webcam photos of me as I don't post many on here so you can all see my faceeeeeeeeee.


1. My full name is Anastasia Margaret Sadler. Yuck.

2. I'm 16 (17 in July, woo driving!)

3. My birthday is 1st July.

4. I have three cats, a hamster and chickens.

5. I'm a really shy person until you get to know me, then I'm loud and probably really annoying!

6. I am probably shorter than you. (My little sister is taller than me; not fair!!!)

7. For my A-Levels I have taken English Literature, English Language and Art Double BTECH, so much variety eh?

8. My favourite movie; or in this case movies, is Star Wars. This was a bit of a hard choice because I also wanted to say Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings (include the hobbit(s) in that).

9. I would love to go to New York for Christmas and do my Christmas shopping there although I doubt I'd have enough money!

10. I am currently jobless (sigh) but I am searching and searching and hopefully something will arise soon.

11. The last job I had was in a hairdressers, I can't say that it was my dream job but it was money and I did quite enjoy it.

12. I love dinosaurs!! I LOVE THEM!

13. I love vampy coloured lipsticks and nude coloured lipsticks; both at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

14. I love to take selfies even though I'm so unphotogenic, I don't know why, I wish I didn't. I think I'm going to have to cut down! 

15. I started school a year later than everyone else my age because my mum thought I was too young.

16. I am such a fussy eater. I think the last few weeks I have just had spag bog for dinner, I wish I wasn't.

17. I like to sing when I'm home alone and pretend I'm famous. It really didn't sound as weird in my head.

18. I constantly...CONSTANTLY have cold feet.

19. I love shopping (who doesn't) but hate shops and people in shops. SOMEONE BUILD ME MY OWN PERSONAL SHOP!

20. I'm pretty sure I'm half deaf or something because I can never hear anything anyone's ever saying unless it is completely silent and they're the only person talking.

21.I don't like big groups of people, I much prefer hanging out with a small group of 3 or 4.

22. I get embarrassed in front of people I don't know very well so easily and then I go bright red and it's just a disaster.

23. I secretly want to be a Disney princess... shhh don't tell anyone.

24. I'm 99.9% sure that most of the clothes in my wardrobe are either black or grey, I try with colour but it never suits my hair colour (which you will discover in the next fact.).

25. Last but not least........ I AM NATURALLY GINGER AND I LOVE IT!

Seeing as we're going into the New Year and I've been running this blog for quite a bit I thought this was a great post. I feel as if everyone who reads my blog doesn't know much about me and so this was a nice idea for you guys to get to know me better. No one asked me to do this, this is just an idea that popped up in my head but seeing as I'm doing it I'm going to challenge a few of you guys to do it, I know 50's hard but I reckon you guys can do it even if I failed, if not settle for 25 like I did!

I hope you all enjoyed this long and possibly boring post. 
Keep a look out in what I think is the next 4 or 5 days for my first post of the 2014 Blogger Challenge.
Lastly, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and got some lovely stuff, also have a wonderful New Year and have a fabulous time if you're going to any parties/celebrations tonight.

Where else to find me:
Twitter: @anasaurusrex
Instagram: @ana_sadler

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