Firstly I would like to say thank you everyone that follows me on bloglovin', I reached 100 followers earlier today and that made me so happy, I never thought that, that many people would ever be interested in my blog! I think this calls for a giveaway so I will come up with something and go and buy some lovely things for you guys to win, this will probably take place after Christmas now; hopefully when I have more money! So yes, thank you all so much and I'll keep you informed with the giveaway!
Now onto today's blog post; which can I tell you I loved to do.
I've always wanted to make my own Christmas cards so they have that personal touch to them but I've always thought that it would take so long and it'd look extremely bad, but fear not! I have found the perfect solution to this problem. I came to a sudden realisation that the method I'm going for it just too difficult and I'm trying to make it too perfect, so I sat down and figured it all out and thought why not share it with you guys, I mean some of you may be stuck with the same dilemma.
I have put together a simple, 5 step tutorial for the perfect Christmas card drawing, if you want to know what that is then read on....
You will need:
A5 or A4 card to draw onto
Any kind of pencil
A fine tip pen
A rubber
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
Step Four:
Step Five (optional):
Once you know how to do this robin drawing you can make a fabulous, original card.
I came up with this design and I can't get over how cute it is and if you imagine it in colour is makes me want to coo over it!
The great thing about these designs is that they're not perfect and they don't have to be so it gives you more freedom when drawing.
I definitely think friends and family will adore something like this and you can even personalise them with the person name which makes it even more great.
If anyone has made a card either tag me in a post on twitter: @lion_princess_ or tag me in a photo on instagram: @ana_sadler or even better lets start a hashtag (this won't happen but lets give it a go) called #AnasChristmasCards I would love to see how yours turned out if you have tried it!
I hope you all enjoy Christmas on Wednesday (in England) or whichever day it is anywhere else and I'll next see you either just before the New Year or in the New Year!
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